
Showing posts from July, 2020

Threat of Fire

Slash Pile Burn 2017 In the summer of 2018, Camp LoMia shut down due to extreme dryness and drought. (The same thing happened the summer of 2002.)  Fortunately, rains came towards the end of July.  Mesa Maricopa Stake was the only stake who hadn't canceled their reservation and got to enjoy the camp during the last week of the Girls' Camp season.  Also, because of those summer rains, families and wards , who had reservations, also got to use the camp until it closed for the year, October 31. While every precaution is taken to protect the camp and its visitors, one cannot discount the spiritual protection of a property dedicated to the Lord—sacred ground.   Below is the story of one such protection.  It is written by Neil Taft and transcribed by his wife, Sandy.  They were the Camp LoMia caretakers from 1997-2016.     5-MILE FIRE AND CAMP LoMIA Written by Neil Taft, Camp LoMIA caretaker                  Wednesday, the 28 th  of August, the residents of Pine, especi